Salsa is the unique blending of traditional Latin sounds and dance steps of the Mambo and the Cha Cha with the freedom and turning actions of Swing and Hustle. When you take Salsa class at Arthur Murray in Virginia Beach, you'll experience a true nightclub dance that fits onto the small crowded floors of the Norfolk, Ghent, and surrounding Tidewater Latin social dancing scene.
History of Salsa dancing
Salsa is the Spanish word for “sauce” denoting a spicy or hot flavor. As a dance it can be danced to a variety of different rhythms. Generically Salsa music encompasses many Afro-Latin rhythms driven by the clave (two wooden sticks struck together). Today’s Salsa is the result of many years of rhythmical evolution due to economical, social and political change. Salsa is the national music and dance of Puerto Rico. Many of the Salsa dance patterns are closely related to those of the Mambo.
Music for Salsa dancing
In 1933 Cuban songwriter Ignacio Piñiero wrote the song Ichale Salsita (throw on some sauce) after tasting food which lacked the Cuban spices. But it wasn’t until 1962 when Jimmy Sabater’s tune Salsa y Bembé suggested the dancers liven it up or spice it up by adding a little “Salsa” (sauce) to their movement when they danced.
Characteristics of Salsa dancing
Danced to four beats using only three steps, each step being a beat long, the remaining beat is used as a tag to the last step or perhaps an adorning (tap, kick, or pause) movement called a highlight. Steps can be traveling or on the spot.
Salsa artists include
Marc Anthony
Celia Cruz
West End Mambo
Tito Puente
The Latin Explosion

Our professional instructors also teach other specialized dance lessons for your specific needs and interests.
Click on any of the categories below or call (757) 431-0177