News stories, interviews, and video coverage of Arthur Murray Dance Studio of Virginia Beach, its owners, Taras and Wendy Denysenko, the studio team, and special local events.
HRS: Meet Ballroom Dancer, De’Vonte Rush
"While he appreciates different styles of dance, he pursued ballroom dance in particular and became an instructor... We caught up with him at Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Virginia Beach where he teaches and shares his love of the art with others."
Dancing with the Hampton Roads Celebrity Stars Takes to the Stage at the Sandler Center
"...22 local celebrities take to the stage to perform in the eight annual Dancing with the Hampton Roads Celebrity Stars fundraising event. Based on the hit TV show... contestants will be paired with a professional dancer and will perform in front of a live audience and professional judges.”
Dance Lessons Will Return at Local Studios When the Time is Right
"'This past year, 2019, was probably one of the best years we’ve had,' Wendy Denysenko said. 'Our studio was just in an amazing position staffwise and students’ growth. We were really excited about 2020...'”
Arthur Murray Experts Reflect on the 2016 Unique Dance-O-Rama®
"'Wow, the 2016 Unique DOR. One word: Exhilarating... Every detail was planned and organized, and our students from Virginia Beach left excited and motivated for next year. This event is sure to be an experience we will all remember...'"
Dancing With Hampton Roads Celebrity Stars
"A local take on Dancing with the Stars takes place Saturday at the Sandler Center for Performing Arts... Reporter Kaila DeRienzo is the first contestant scheduled to perform with partner Taras Denysenko of Arthur Murray Dance Studio..."
Interview with Taras Denysenko - Arthur Murray Champ and Traveling Coach
"In March, Taras Denysenko and Lynn Sevick - two phenomenal coaches - visited our studios and gave some great coaching lessons and workshops... Here’s what they had to say about coaching lessons, teaching and District Showcase..."
Dialogue: Wendy and Taras Denysenko from Arthur Murray Virginia Beach
"Wendy and Taras Denysenko are interviewed by Lasalle Blanks from 13WVEC about Dancing with the Stars and their sponsorship for the grand prize giveaway for two round trip tickets to the finale show."
New Owners Step in to Share a Lifelong Passion for Dance
"Wendy and Taras Denysenko have a deep love for dance that dates back to early childhood... 'Do things that make you happy,' Wendy said, as her husband nodded in agreement. 'Life's just too short...'"
Ballroom Goes Mainstream Thanks to TV
"The Denysenkos have also been featured this fall on Rochester’s Dancing with the Stars - Teachers Edition, which airs on local television station WHAM-13. Taras, a past winner of that competition with partner Holly Maynard, a morning anchor..."

Press / Media Inquiries
Are you interested in covering a story on Arthur Murray Dance Studio of Virginia Beach? Get in touch using the form below!