Have you been ballroom or Latin dancing for a while and do have a desire to keep learning? Perhaps you're new to town and are in search of a dance studio in the area capable of teaching advanced-level dancers like yourself. Maybe you've taken a hiatus and realize the need to sharpen your skills or you might specialize in a specific dance style and feel inspired to learn other styles of ballroom.
Does any of this sound like you? If so, then you're exactly where you need to be! Arthur Murray Virginia Beach is the premier ballroom dance studio in the Hampton Roads / Tidewater area, owned and operated by certified dance masters who are champions and world finalists, industry trainers, adjudicators, and traveling consultants. As an experienced dancer and student of ballroom, the Arthur Murray name may be one that you're already familiar with and, if so, then you're likely aware of its history and reputation for excellence in ballroom dance instruction. Our Virginia Beach dance studio embodies that excellence!
We teach advanced-level ballroom and Latin classes for experienced dance students who have been professionally trained and those who have learned in less formal environments. Our advanced dance classes are perfect for individuals whose skill-sets surpass the beginner and intermediate stages and they serve a diverse range of singles and couples throughout the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, and general Hampton Roads areas, so, no matter who you are, you'll find yourself right at home!
Ready to take your dance experience to new heights?! The quality of instruction and tailored approach provided at our studio are unmatched in the local area and will surely help you scale your dance career and aspirations! Whether you simply want to nourish your creative need to dance, compete seriously or as a hobby, or brush up and stay sharp, Arthur Murray Virginia Beach will help you get there. See our list of dance styles below and, when you're done, let us know which one you'd like to keep working on and scale to new heights, or even if you want to take on something new that you haven't tried before.

Our professional instructors also teach other specialized dance lessons for your specific needs and interests.
Click on any of the categories below or call (757) 431-0177